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01/04/24 — 31/03/25 
University of Leicester, UK

Visiting Researcher, School of Geography, Geology and the Environment (SGGE)


01/09/2022 —  2024
ICTA/UAB, Barcelona, Spain

Affiliate researcher, Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ), ICTA/UAB


01/4/2020 — 31/03/2023
University of Leicester, UK

Horizon 2020 Marie Curie GF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Geography, Geology and the Environment. Title of the research project "SUSTES: Assessing the socio-economic impact of environmentally sustainable redevelopment plans on communities housed in social housing estates in EU, UK and US cities." 


Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Doctoral Degree (Dr.-Ing.) in Theory of Urban Planning. Dissertation: “City Producers, City Consumers. The rezoning and branding of New York City under the administration of Michael R. Bloomberg (2002-2013)” DNB: 1058562789


01/01/2008  — 31/12/2010
Technical University of Berlin, Germany

DFG (German Research Foundation) Doctoral Fellow, Center for Metropolitan Studies Berlin, Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin/New York


2006  — 2007 and 2008 —2009
GSAPP Columbia University, New York City, USA

Visiting Scholar at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP), Department of Urban Planning, New York City, USA. 


Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Master’s Degree in Architecture (with distinction, MArch, Dipl.-Ing.). Title of Master Thesis: “Endstation Berlin Mitte: Die Neuste Definition des Berliner Zentrums”. Advisor: Prof. Harald Bodenschatz (TU Berlin).



Busà, A. (2017). The Creative Destruction of New York City: Engineering the City for the Elite. Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0190610093.

Book chapterS

Busà, A. and Lees, L. (forthcoming 2024). Displacement. In: Antipode Keywords in Radical Geography. Wiley-Blackwell.

Busà, A. (2022). Urban Greening and Green Gentrification. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51812-7_163-1

Busà, A. (2012). Rezoning Coney Island: A History of decline and revival, of heroes and villains at the “People’s Playground. In: De Sena, Judith and Shortell, Tim eds., The World In Brooklyn: Gentrification, Immigration, and Ethnic Politics in a Global City. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 147-185. Part of ISBN: 0739166700

Busà, A. (2010). New York City, New York. In: Robbins, Paul, Cohen, Nevin and Golson, J. Geoffrey eds., Green Cities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.
DOI: 10.4135/9781412973816.n105


Busà, A. (2009). City of Memory. In: Ray Hutchinson ed., Sage Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 158-161.
DOI: 10.4135/9781412971973.n58

Busà, A. (2009). The New York World's Fair (1939/40). In: Ray Hutchinson ed., Sage Enclyclopedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 561-562.
DOI: 10.4135/9781412971973.n202

Busà, A. (2009). The City Beautiful Movement. In: Ray Hutchinson ed., Sage Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 2009, 152-156.
DOI: 10.4135/9781412971973.n55

Busà, A. (2008). The City Re-Invented: Confronting Urban Strategies in the Entrepreneurial Era. In: 11th Planet Congress Warsaw 2007 ed., Top Down/ Bottom Up, 43-36.

Busà, A. (2006).  Vita e Morte delle Gallerie Commerciali Italiane. In: Giandomenico Amendola ed., La Città Vetrina. Milano: Liguori Edizioni, 38-56. ISBN: 8820740052

Busà, A. (2005). Der Weg zu einer modernen Architektur in einem Land, das von einer fortschrittlicher Pädagogik geprägt ist. In: Wüstenrot Stiftung ed., Bauen für Kinder. Stuttgart, Zurich: Karl Krämer Verlag, 200-242. ISBN 3-7828-1521-1

Papers in peer-reviewed journals

Busà, A. and Lees, L. (under review 2024). “Financialized Municipal Entrepreneurialism and the Self-financing Redevelopment of a Council Estate in London: Wins and Losses in Woodberry Down”, Urban Affairs Review


Busà, A. (2024): “Renovation without renoviction - The green retrofit of a municipal housing estate in Drewitz, Germany”, Housing Studies ​


Busà, A. (2014). After the 125th Street Rezoning: The Gentrification of Harlem’s Main Street in the Bloomberg Years. Urbanities, Vol. 4. No.2, 51-68. ISSN: 2239-5725


Busà, A. (2014). Manhattan’s "Dirty Urban Landscapes". Streetnotes, 22. doi:10.5070/s5221019881


Busà, A. (2013). The unsustainable cost of sustainability: PlaNYC 2030 and the future of New York City. Critical Planning Journal, 20, 193–217. e-ISSN: 1522-9807


Busà, A. (2008). Renaissance der Mitte – Zentrumsumbau in London und Berlin. Urbanistica, Vol. 136, 122-123. ISSN: 0392-5005



Other publications (selection)

Busà, A. (2011). Rezoning Coney Island: The crisis of routine‐development and the struggles over the people’s Playground. In: Hunter College Department for Urban Affairs and Planning Depository


Busà, A. (2009). A Manifesto for Coney Island” ABSTRACT – Magazine of the GSAPP of Columbia University, (2008/2009): 261


Busà, A. (2009).  Gli Ultimi Giorni di Firenze. FFF: Florence Fast Forward, 1: 11-19.

Busà, A. (2008).  Palimpseststadt - City of Layers. (Magazine for Urban Documentation, Opinion, Theory), 8: 26-30.

Busà, A. (2008).  XX Secolo: Firenze. D'Architettura, 36: 182-190.

Busà, A. (2007).  Celebrations of Urbanity. The Urban Reinventors, 2:07 (2007).


Busà, A. (2007).  Confronting Strategies of Urban Reinvention. The Urban Reinventors, 1:07 (2007).

Busà, A. (2007).  Vita, Morte e Reinvenzione del Passage Italiano. ARCH'IT-Rivista Digitale di Architettura

Busà, A. (2006).  La Reinvenzione della Memoria: un’Archeologia Berlinese tra Politiche di Rimozione e Strategie di Ricostruzione ideale della Memoria. Gomorra – Territori e culture della Metropoli Contemporanea, 10/06: 112-120

Busà, A. (2005).  Le Ricostruzioni di Alexanderplatz. L’Architettura Cronache e Storia, 573: 534-538

Busà, A. (2005).  Metamorfosi di un Mito lungo un Secolo: l’ex Tacheles Areal a Berlin Mitte da Spazio di Sopravvivenza della Cultura Off a Luogo del Consumo della Nuova Urban Class”  Gomorra – Territori e culture della Metropoli Contemporanea, 08/05: 110-119.



(2020-2023) Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Global Fellowship (MSCA GF) "SUSTES: Assessing the socio-economic impact of environmentally sustainable redevelopment plans on communities housed in social housing estates in EU and US cities"

(2018 and 2019)  Seal of Excellence, EU Commission Horizon 2020. “Assessing the socio-economic impact of environmentally sustainable redevelopment plans on communities housed in social housing estates in EU and US cities”  

(2004)  Erwin Stephan Preis of the Technische Universität Berlin for best graduation marks and shortest duration of studies

(2008-2010) DFG (German Research Foundation) Fellowship, Center for Metropolitan Studies, Transatlantic Research Program Berlin/New York  

(2001-2002) DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) International Program Fellowship   



(2023) Invited speech, “The case for “Right to Return”- Gentrification without displacement in social housing renewal in London” at the International Conference “Gentrification, what can we do about it? An international dialogue”, Initiative on Cities (IoC) at Boston University October 26-28, 2023.


(2023) Invited as Discussant, “Green Gentrification” session at the International Conference “Gentrification, what can we do about it? An international dialogue”, Initiative on Cities (IoC) at Boston University October 26-28, 2023.


(2023) “Renovation Without Renoviction: The green retrofit of a social housing estate in former East Germany”, Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, September 1.


(2023) Chair, Habitat Studies / Infra Habitation Session and presentation of "A green, self-financing model of council housing estate regeneration: The case of Woodberry Down, London", 6th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism ICCAUA2023, Istanbul, June 15.


(2023) Poster Presentation of "Green Geographies of Evaluation and De-valuation", School of Geography, Geology and the Environment of University of Leicester - Centenary Celebration Event. ​ ​


(2023) Introductory speech, "Green Geographies of Evaluation and De-valuation", International Conference at University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, May 15.


(2023) Invited as Speaker, Presentation of SUSTEUS Research Project, MSCA Symposium - Making Critical Urban Knowledge for Just Futures at the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA), De Montfort University, April 21. ​


(2023) "The green turn in the regeneration of public housing - Self-financing redevelopment and green value capture at Woodberry Down, London",  University of Leicester Research Seminars 2022/23 | Leicester, UK, April 19. ​


(2023) "Retrofit or Rebuild? Differential social impacts of redevelopment in two models of 'green' regeneration of social housing in Germany and the UK", American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting AAG 2023, Denver Colorado (March 23-27)

(2022) Discussant, “Crime, Inequality, and Resistance in New York City: A Multiple Political Orders Perspective” book discussion with author Timothy Weaver, Initiative on Cities, Boston University (December 1)


(2022) “ The value of green in a self-financing model of housing estate regeneration - Tales from Woodberry Down and the Woodberry Wetlands”, at BCNUEJ - Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (ICTA/UAB) (November 15)


(2022) “From Plattenbausiedlung to Garden City: Sustainable Social Housing Renewal in Drewitz, Germany”. Regional Studies Association (RSA) Regions in Recovery Second Edition 2022 conference / Energy transitions, environmental sustainability, and designing future cities and regions (March 29).


(2021) “Green Policy Imperatives and Financial Geographies of Greening: Challenges for Urban Gentrification Research”. Authoritarian Urbanism Session Series, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung (January 19).


(2020) “Greening as a Blueprint for the Gentrification of New York City?” One-day Symposium on Cross-Disciplinary Responses to Gentrification, Keele University (June 9).


(2017) Keynote speech. “Smart, Green and Pricey: New York and the Quest for Sustainability.” IQ/The Economist Forum Innovative City. Klaipeda, Lithuania (May 24).


(2017) “The Creative Destruction of New York City.” Development in the Face of Global Inequalities Conference, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, Barcelona (May 11-13).

(2016) Keynote speech. “The Producers and Consumers of New York City”. 1st International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2016, Niš, Serbia (November 18-19).


(2013) Guest lecture: “The Rezoning and Branding of New York City under the Mayoralty of Michael R. Bloomberg (2002-2013).”  Forschungskolloquium, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR), TU Berlin (December 9).


(2012) Guest lecture: “The New Coney Island Between Development and Historic Preservation.” History Department, Fordham University, New York City (April 26).

(2010)  “Where Utopia was born, and died: The Struggle for Coney Island and the Death of Utopia.” The Utopia of Tradition”, 12th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE), Beirut (December 15-18)

(2010) Chair, “Discourses and Practices in Regeneration Policies and Anti Gentrification Efforts In London and New York City.” With Loretta Lees (King’s College London) and Tom Angotti (Hunter College, New York). Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technische Universität Berlin (July 6).

(2010) Guest seminar, “Urban Studies and Open Access Publishing”. Pratt Institute, Center for Planning and the Environment, Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment. New York (May 18).

(2009) “New York’s City Producers, the Global Crisis, and the Green Way Out.” Confronting the Challenges of the Post-Crisis Global Economy and Environment, RGS-IBG Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, Manchester (August 26-28).

(2009) “Rezoning Coney Island: the Crisis of Routine-Development and the Struggles over the People's Playground.” Revitalising Built Environment - International Symposium IAPS CSB Housing Network. Istanbul (October 12-16)  

(2009) “Visions for Florence.” Visions 9th International Conference for Architecture and Media. Florence (July 9)


(2009) Chair, “Responses to Environmental Catastrophes in Urban Settings.” The City and The State of Exception - 5th Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin-New York. Berlin (June 4-6)  

(2009) “City Producers, City Consumers and the Representation of the City in Bloomberg's New York.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). Las Vegas (March 22-27)

(2009)  “Rezoning New York City: Stadt-Produktion und Stadt-Konsum in Bloomberg's New York.” Forschungstag des Institut für Architektur (IfA), Berlin (May 27)

(2008)  “The Production and Consumption of Urbanity in Bloomberg's New York: The Rezoning Plan for 125th Street in Harlem.” Mid-Atlantic Popular American Culture Association Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada (October 20-26)

(2008) Guest Lecture, Rediscussing Urbanity. Fall Session 2008. Fordham University Law School. New York City.

(2008) “Urbanity Sells, and Comes from Above: Rezoning, Rebranding and Auctioning Harlem's Main Street.” 4th Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin/New York, In Search of the Postfordist City:  Concepts and the Meaning of Urban Space and Society, New York (September 25 -27)

(2007)  “The City Re-Invented: Confronting Urban Strategies in the Entrepreneurial Era.” Top Down/ Bottom Up, 11th PlaNet Congress. Warsaw (September 24)




(2023) Lead Organizer, “Green Geographies of Evaluation and Devaluation” Conference at University of Leicester, in partnership with BCNUEJ ICTA/UAB and Boston University, May 15


(2021) Organizer, Reading Sessions of the Urban Climate Finance Network 2021-2022 Masterclass:

Session 1: Financialisation and Climate Urbanism, with Prof. Joshua Long (Southwestern University)
Session 2: Alternatives to Market Finance for Urban Climate Action, with Dr. Enora Robin (University of Sheffield), 

Session 3: Green Bonds, with Prof. Hanna Hilbrandt (University of Zurich) and Dr. Nate Millington (University of Manchester) 
Session 4: Climate Risk and Reinsurance, with Dr. Zac Taylor (TU Delft) and Savannah Cox (University of California, Berkeley) 
Session 5: Impacts of Climate Finance on Urban Property Markets – Geographies of De- and Revaluation, with Prof. Sarah Knuth (Durham University), Dr. Zac Taylor (TU Delft) and Patrick Bigger (Lancaster University) 

(2010) Organizer, One-Day Seminar “Discourses and Practices in Regeneration Policies and Anti Gentrification Efforts in London and New York City”, invitees Loretta Lees (King’s College London) and Tom Angotti (Hunter College, New York). Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University of Berlin (July 6)


(2009) Member of the organizing committee, The City and The State of Exception - 5th Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin-New York. Technical University of Berlin (June 4-6).

(2008) Member of the organising committee, In Search of the Post-Fordist City: Concepts and the Meaning of Urban Space and Society - 4th Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin. Fordham University, New York City (September 26-28).



(2017)  Radio Interview, Leonard Lopate Show, interviewed by DW Gibson, WNYC Radio, New York City, Sept. 6,


(2017) New York Public Library Author Talks: "The Creative Destruction of New York," Alessandro Busà in conversation with Jerome Krase. New York Public Library, New York City, Wednesday, 20 September.  

(2017) Book presentation, “Building Down, Tearing Up: Construction and Destruction in NYC Today”, presentation of The Creative Destruction of New York City: Engineering the City for the Elite, in conversation with Jeremiah Moss, Brooklyn Book Festival Book Event, 14 September.


(2017) Newspaper interview, “Kad sėkmė netaptų miesto prakeiksmu Skaitykite” (“When a City's Success Becomes its Curse”), IQ-The Economist Lithuania, July 16, 2017

(2012) Documentary film interview, “Berlino, la Mutante”, RAI Storia, Chiavi delle Città,

(2011) Newspaper interview, “Is Trendy East Berlin losing its Edge?” Interview on CNN International, February 16,

(2009) Newspaper interview, “Le Nuove Mura che Dividono. Ritorna il Castello degli Hohenzollern,” Liberal,  April 24th


(2008)  Newspaper interview, “The Urban Reinventors: Reinventare la Città,” Il Giornale dell'Architettura 61


(2007)  Newspaper interview, “Pochi gli stranieri nel Cantiere Milano” Il Sole 24 Ore, December 2

(2007)  Newspaper interview, “Un'Archeologia Berlinese”  Liberazione, June 22




Reviewer, Urban Studies (2023 - present)

Reviewer, Buildings & Cities (2024)


Executive Committee, International Society of Biourbanism (2010-2020)


Editorial Board, Journal of Biourbanism (2010-2020)


Founder and editor-in-chief, The Urban Reinventors Online Urban Journal (2006- 2009)


Book and direction of the documentary film "Ein Berliner Haus – Der letzte macht das Licht aus"
(English version: “Last Summer in Berlin Mitte”). Berlin, VISTA Visualisierungsstudio für
Stadtplanung GmbH Berlin and Condor Digital Media (2008). 

2014  The CityPossible III Festival, Singapore, November 6, 2014


2012 Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, Istanbul, Turkey, September 12, 2012

2010 Exhibiting Capitals: Berlin and Beyond, 41st Anniversay Convention NeMLA, Montreal,
Quebec, April 7-11, 2010

2009 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, TU Berlin, June 13, 2009

2009 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). Las Vegas, March
22-27, 2009

2009 "Lumpen-City: Discourses of Marginality | Marginalizing Discourses", Interdisciplinary
Conference at York University. Toronto, March 12-13, 2009

2009 Conference " Diversity in Place: Making Documentaries on the Multicultural City",
Globalization Research Center, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning. Honolulu, Hawaii,
April 24, 2009

2009 "Warsaw-Berlin Cities in Transition", theatrical event, Urbanophil - Netzwerk für urbane
Kultur. Berlin, July 5, 2009

2009 Conference "The City from Below". Baltimore, US, March 27-29, 2009

2008 Panel Discussion, Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte. Berlin, July 4, 2008

2008 Conference "BUKO31: Globale Ausschlüsse, Soziale Kämpfe, Utopien". Dortmund
(Germany), May 9-12, 2008

2008 Conference “The Right to the City: Soziale Kämpfe in der Neoliberalen Stadt”, BUKO
(Bundeskoordination Internationalimus). Berlin, April 11-13, 2008



English: highly competent in reading, speaking and writing  
    EPT Exam, Columbia University (grade 9). New York, 2007.
    Advanced English Exam, Center of English Studies. Level Advanced, grade A. Dublin, 2004

German: advanced in reading, speaking and writing

     Goethe Institut Placement Test. Level advanced: Note 1,0. Berlin, 2003        

     Goethe Institut Intensivlehrgang (Oberstufe). Berlin, 2003
    D.S.H. Sprachprüfung ZEMS, Technical University Berlin, 2001

Spanish: intermediate in reading and speaking

Italian: native language



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